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Ascidia glabra (Hartmeyer, 1992)                
Sea squirt

Emmanuelle Zoccola (2012)

Photo by Arnault Gauthier


Fact Sheet





Size and Colour

External Morphology


Identification Resources



Life History

Introduction to Life History

Embryonic Development

Larvae Settlement

Larvae Development

Evolution & Systematics

Phylogeny of Chordata



Local Distribution and Habitat

Global Distribution

References & Links


Web Site Links


Brien, P., Caullery, M., Cuénot, L.,Dalcq, A., Dawydoff, C., Drach, P., Harant, H. & Waterlot, G. (1948). In: Grassé, P.-P. (Dir.). ‘Traité de Zoologie: Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie(Tome XI – Echinodermes – Stomocordés – Procordés)’. Masson et Cie (Eds.)Libraires de l’Académie de Médecine, Paris

Crisp, D.J. & Ghobashy, A.F.A.A.(1971). ‘Responses of the larvae of Diplosomalisterianum to light and gravity’. In: Crisp, D.J. (Ed.) ‘Fourth EuropeanMarine Biology Symposium’. Cambridge University Press, London, 443-465

Hartmeyer, R. (1922). 'Miscellanea ascidiologica' Mitteilungen aus den Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 10, 301-323

Hartmeyer, R. & Michaelsen, W. (1928). ‘Ascidiae Dictyobranhiae und Ptychobranchiae Fauna Sudwest’. Australians 5, 251-460

Herdman, W.A. (1882). ‘Report on the Tunicata collected during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–1876. Pt I, Ascidiae simplices’. Zoology Challenger Expedition 6, 1–296

Kott, P. (1985). ‘The Australian Ascidiacea Part 1, Phlebobranchia and Stolidobranchia’. Memoirs of Queensland Museum 23, 1–440

Kott,P. (2005). ‘Ascidiacea - Catalogue of Tunicata in Australian Waters’. ISBN 0642 56842 1 Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia

Krauss, O. (1978). ‘Tunicata’. In: Grzimek,B. (Ed.). ‘Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Volume 2’.

Kowalevsky, A.O. (1867). ‘Entwicklungsgeschichte der einfachen Ascidien’. Mémoire de l’Académie Impériale de Sciences de St Pétersbourg 10, 1–19

Lahille, M.F. (1886). ‘Sur la classification des Tuniciers’. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris 102, 1573–1575

Lamarck, J.B.P. (1816). ‘Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres’. Paris : Verdiere, Libraire 3, 80–130

Land, J. van der (ed). (2008). 'UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO)'. Accessed on 17-10-2012  <> 

Mather, P. & Bennett, I. (Eds.) (1993).‘A Coral reef handbook : a guide to the geology, flora and fauna of the GreatBarrier Reef (3rd ed)’. Chipping Norton, N.S.W.: Surrey Beatty &Sons

Satoh, N. (2003). ‘The ascidian tadpole larva:comparative molecular development and genomics’. Nature Reviews Genetics 4, 285–295

Shenkar, N., Gittenberger, A., Lambert, G., Rius, M., Moreira Da Rocha, R., J Swalla, B.J. & Turon, X. (2012). ‘World Ascidiacea Database’. Accessed on 23-10-2012 <> 

Svane, I. & Young, C.M. (1989). ‘Theecology and behaviour of ascidian larvae’. Oceanographyand Marine Biology Annual Revue 27, 45-90

